
Visit to Al-Mukhtara Palace to Meet with Mr. Walid Jumblatt and MP Taymour Jumblatt to Discuss Ways to Support Majdal Anjar

Municipality: Majdal Anjar Municipality

Town: majdel anjar

Date: 2017-07-05 10:00:00

Location: قصر المختارة

This visit was to Al-Mukhtara Palace, the historic headquarters of the Jumblatt family leadership, where the delegation met with Mr. Walid Beik Jumblatt and his son, MP Taymour Jumblatt.

Objectives of the Visit:

Discussing General Conditions: The meeting addressed the political, economic, and social situation in Lebanon, particularly the challenges facing different regions.

Ways to Support Majdal Anjar: Discussions focused on how to support the town on various levels, whether in development or public services.

Enhancing Communication and Cooperation: This visit aimed to strengthen relationships between political leadership and local communities in the interest of the public good.
